I take marijuana for anxiety. And I can assure you a dentist causes me anxiety. I have a serious toothache and likely need to see a dentist. Will they treat me while having marijuana in my system if I have a prescription for it?
Mark L. – Arizona
Honestly, it will depend on the dentist. I suspect from your question that you don’t have a dentist of your own. That’s OK. My suggestion would be to call around and ask some emergency dentists. There are two very important aspects to this though.
- You need to be seen. You likely have a tooth infection. Infections spread, so you’ll want to get the infection removed.
- You need to tell the dentist that you’ve got marijuana in your system. It could save your life. Here’s why.
Many dentists use a local anesthetic that contains epinephrine, which isn’t a great mix with marijuana. It can cause an abnormal hearthbeat or peripheral vasodilation. Either of those combined with your anxiety can cause serious harm to you. As long as the dentist knows what you have in your system, he can avoid any contraindications.
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