I have some white spots on my teeth ever since I had my braces off. I was a bit late getting my teeth straightened as I didn’t have the money until recently. My dentist is suggesting I do tooth mousse for a couple of months and then follow it up with teeth whitening. Is this the right plan for me? I don’t have any reason not to trust the dentist, it is more I have an off feeling about things and have learned to trust my gut. So, I’m seeking another opinion before moving forward.
Dear Avery,
I am glad you wrote. Your gut serves you well. White spots, especially after braces are signs of decalcification. This takes place because your braces made it a bit tricky to really get in there and brush. Bacteria got trapped and decalcified those spots. These are precursors to decay and can do some serious damage to your teeth.
While your dentist is giving it the “old college try”, I would say that he is about 50% correct in how he is handling this. Tooth mousse is designed to help remineralize teeth, but does not always work. It would not hurt to try this.
As for teeth whitening, in this case he is completely wrong. While teeth whitening does wonderful things for making your teeth look whiter, brighter, and even younger, it will whiten your teeth evenly. This means that your white spots will get whiter along with the remainder of your teeth. That is not the solution you are looking for.
The best way to deal with white spots is with microabrasion and dental bonding. However, this will require an expert cosmetic dentist. If you want whiter teeth, go ahead and do that, but afterward you’ll need to have the dental bonding done. Do not do the bonding first, because it will not whiten along with your teeth.
I hope this helps.
This blog is brought to you by Tulsa Dentist Dr. Ryan Noah.