I have a massively infected wisdom tooth. I’m furloughed during the quarantine and my unemployment hasn’t kicked in yet. I don’t have the money to get this treated yet. Is it possible to just take antibiotics until the money kicks in or should I just go to the ER to have this treated?
Dear Kelly,
Tooth infections aren’t something to mess with. In fact, they are considered dental emergencies. Unlike other infections which can be solved by antibiotics, a tooth infection has to be physically removed by a dentist, either by a root canal treatment or a tooth extraction. Without that, it will continue to spread. The most an antibiotic will do is hold it at bay for a short time. Then, when the antibiotics run out, it will begin to spread again. If you think about how close your jaw is to your lungs, heart, and brain, you realize how people still die from tooth infections.
I’ve found most dentists to be compassionate. That will be especially true during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. I would simply call around to dentists in your area and explain your situation. I’m positive you will be able to find one who will work with you financially until your unemployment payments kick in.
Start by looking for a dentist who advertises as an “affordable dentist“. They pretty much offer payment plans even when there isn’t a world wide health emergency. I’m positive they will in your situation now. You can just get the wisdom tooth extracted and you’ll be back to normal in no time.
This blog is brought to you by Tulsa Dentist Dr. Ryan Noah.